Our complete range of financial services to help you build wealth.


If you need to secure funds for an investment, are wanting to refinance your existing mortgage to a better interest rate, need help with debt consolidation or structuring a loan under an SMSF, our team can help you with all your financial needs.

We specialise in assisting First Home Buyers get onto the property ladder and investors to build on their portfolio.

With access to over 52 banks and lenders and 1000s of mortgage products, we work with you to find the perfect solution for your needs and objectives.

We also work with a team of highly experienced property solicitors, to ensure you are well taken care of and protected throughout your property journey. Our solicitors will look through your property contracts and their professional advice will help you avoid potential common pitfalls.


Maximise your returns with our carefully researched investment options. Whether you’re just beginning or an experienced investor, your licensed advisor will help find the right investment for you.

The age-old adage of “Do not wait to buy property; Buy property and wait” holds true in all markets – up or down.
All our property recommendations are based on first understanding your borrowing power and cashflow objectives.

We work with a team of highly professional and savvy accountants, to ensure you take full advantage of maximising your returns from your investment property.


Our team does all the hard work for you, from finding the most suitable tenants, to rent collection and property maintenance. With 1313, you can be assured that your property will be managed to the highest standards.

Our services include:

  • Screening & Negotiation with tenants
  • Bond Collection
  • Ingoing/Outgoing Reports
  • Rent Collection & Reviews
  • VCAT Representation
  • Insurance Preparation
  • Maintenance


Our highly experienced team gives you astute and technically sound advice that is timely, practical and strategic. We will keep you on top of all changes to tax, super and financial reporting and identify and reduce your tax risk.

Our services include:

  • Preparing & Lodging your tax return
  • Small Business Tax concessions
  • Capital Gains and General tax planning
  • Fringe Benefits tax returns
  • Business Accounting and Compliance
  • PAYG Summary Statements
  • Superannuation Compliance
  • Business Activity Statements